junk sign

Everyday Adventures: Visiting the Round Top Antique Show


The annual Round Top Antiques Show is a tradition enjoyed by my whole family. The show is spread out over several miles and located between the towns of Warrenton and Round Top, just North of La Grange, Texas. We’ve had a great time each and every time we’ve been.

lights from the middle east
I Really Like These Pretty Lights

I enjoy looking at all the antiques, junk, jewelry, collectables and home decor. A lot of the vendors are the same each visit but there is always something new to see. The best part for me is finding something that I have never seen before. It’s also fun to talk to the sellers/vendors about their products and learn something new about tools or items that I know nothing about. It often feels like being in an interactive museum.

tin toy
Blast Off With This Old Tin Toy

There are various booths scattered around selling food and or drinks. I always bring a few bottles of water and some snacks with us. It’s often hot and we cover a lot of ground in the 7 hours we’re there. It never fails; one of the kids will get hungry or thirsty and there won’t be a food vendor anywhere to be found.

boy on orange chair
My Shopping Buddy
boy with snow cone
Snow Cone Break

Although there is always a good size crowd at the show, everyone is friendly and having a good time; it’s a very nice, laid back atmosphere.

I carry a backpack but a lot of people bring wagons and carts to help carry their stuff.

elephant ride
Need a Ride?

On most of our trips I don’t spend very much money at all. It’s just as enjoyable for me to look at everything and wander around. There is such a wide variety of things to look at and see that just about anyone would have a good time at the show.
They actually have one show in the Fall and and one in the Spring; so you have two chances to go each year. I highly recommend you go; you’ll see new things, old things and may even learn some things.

On our recent visit I spent most of the day with my son and he definitely kept me entertained!

boy smelling candle
Smelling Candles
Boy with statue
Rylan Made a New Friend
boy hugging dog
Rylan Made a Better Friend
boy and hotwheels
Rylan Digging for $1 cars

Here is a small selection of some of the interesting things I saw throughout the day:

Mason Jar
Love The Color Of This Mason Jar
Country Bears Jamboree metal lunchbox
Country Bears Jamboree Metal Lunchbox
toy mold and cast
Tin Toy Casts
pillsbury doughboy
The Pillsbury Doughboy Family
sinclair dino gas
My Favorite Gas Sign
boy and hat
Rylan Found a New Hat
Vintage Park Trash Can Lid
Vintage Park Trash Can Lid
Water Squirter?
Merita bread sign
Neat Bread Sign
Vintage Light bulbs
Vintage Light Bulbs
Robby the Robot
Robby the Robot
Vintage 7-up sign
Unique 7-UP Signage
Tyg from Shirt Tales
Tyg from Shirt Tales
metal weenier dogs
Pretty Puppies All in a Row

And this almost always comes up:

collectable cartoon

Article Name
Everyday Adventures: Visiting the Round Top Antique Show
Visiting the Round Top Antique show with kids and all the fun things they saw there


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